Sikadur®-52 TH


កាវអេប៉ុកសុីរាវ ប្រើសម្រាប់បាញ់បញ្ចូលក្នុងបេតុង

A 2-component, solvent-free, low viscosity injection-liquid, based on high strength epoxy resins. After mixing, it is injected into cavities and cracks in concrete
where it cures to a rigid high strength material.
Sikadur®-52 TH is used to fill and seal cavities and
cracks in structural components such as columns,
beams, foundations, decks and water-retaining structures. It not only forms an effective barrier against water infil tration, but also bonds the concrete sections,
together, there by restoring original structural
Sikadur® -52TH is a deeply penetrative liquid with high
adhesive qualities.
Other benefits are :
▪ Solvent free
▪ Suitable in both, dry and damp conditions
▪ Usable at low temperatures
▪ Shrinkage-free hardening
▪ High mechanical and adhesive strength
Tested according to ASTM C 881-78 Type I,
Grade 1 Class B+C

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